Old World |
2-10 |
Room: Any |
local Witch Hunters Guild has asked for the Warriors' assistance
in capturing a woman accused of being a witch. Apparently she
has escaped into a nearby dungeon after the accusation and no
one has been able to locate her. The best Witch Hunters in town
have journeyed into the dungeon repeatedly to try and locate her
but to no avail.
The Warriors must attempt to locate the witch by searching the
dungeon for her and bringing her back to the Witch Hunters Guild.
each Dungeon Room the Warriors find they may attempt to search
for some clues as to the whereabouts of the witch. Roll 1D6 in
the Warrior's Phase. On a score of 6 they have managed to find
something indicating the witch has been here. Otherwise they find
Once the Objective Room is reached, and after Objective Room Monsters
have been determined, roll 1D6 and add the number of clues found
by the Warriors. On a score of 6 or over the Warriors manage to
locate a secret door in the back of the room leading to the witch's
hideout. With a shrill scream, she leaps out into the Objective
Room to confront the Warriors. To determine what sort of witch
she is roll 1D6:
1-2 |
Sorceress of Slaanesh |
3-4 |
Sorceress of Tzeentch |
5 |
Sorceress of Nurgle |
6 |
Elf Sorceress |
If the Warriors do not locate her hideout they may continue to
try in each Warrior's Phase until all the Monsters are dead. After
that, they leave the dungeon in frustration and return to the
settlement without the witch.
If they succeed in reducing the Witch to zero Wounds they have
not killed her, but instead knocked her unconscious and may take
her back to the settlement.
the Adventure
the Warriors return to the settlement, they hand the witch over
to the local Witch Hunters Guild who burn her at the stake and
reward the Warriors with a total of (500 x Dungeon Level) Gold.