Norsca |
5-7 |
The Frost Demon's Throne Room |

in the Waterfront Tavern the Warriors are approached by an armour-clad
woman, introducing herself as Loren, a Valkyrie of the
north. The Warriors, hands on their hilts, cautiously accept her
company as she seats herself in a somewhat urgent manner.
from your scars, it is obvious that you are no strangers to battle"
she begins. "I come to you with a request for assistance.
No doubt you have heard of the great Norse Marauder, Katan."
The Warriors recall such a legend as Katan easily. It was said
that Katan was to take over all of Norsca at one stage with his
mighty army of Chaos Marauders. His magical armour renowned for
its purple glow was said to heal his Wounds almost instantly.
He was beaten back by wave after wave of brave Norse Barbarians,
Valkyrie’s and Hardoon (White Minotaurs). Katan escaped with his
best troops to a hideout in the mountains never to be seen again.
Loren’s eyes narrow as she bitterly whispers, "Katan has
re surfaced! My sisters and I spotted his foul band on route to
this very city! We intercepted him but were butchered. Myself
and a few others are all that remain," she says waving her
hand to table of Warrior women in the corner nursing recent wounds.
"We have reason to believe he is planning something big!
Please, he must be stopped, will you help us?"
the Warriors agree read on.
is pleased and continues. "We must know what he is planning
and where he is going next. We know he is in a disused warehouse
on the outskirts of this city at the moment, preparing for travel.
This is where you come in. You are going to have to infiltrate
Katan’s group and join him to his destination. We realize this
will be extremely difficult but the entire fate of Norsca may
be in jeopardy. We can track you by means of an ice falcon - don’t
let anything happen to the falcon or we wont know where you are
headed. You must find out what he is planning. While you are journeying
with Katan, my sisters and I will be rallying barbarians and Hardoon."
Loren takes the Warriors to the warehouse quickly; already they
can hear deep voices and the clanking of metal resonating from
within. "Go now," Loren urges. "We will meet you
at your destination! May Odin be with you!"
Warriors now stand in front of a huge warehouse, readying themselves
to play murderers and cutthroats in an attempt to be accepted
into Katans band. They push open the double doors and stroll in.
and his group look up savagely at their entry and grab their weapons.
1D6, adding +1 for every Chaos Warrior in the party
1 One
of the Warriors begins to say, "We’d like to joi…" but
is cut short by battle cries as they are charged! The battle is
short, resulting in the Warriors taking 4D6 Wounds each and being
thrown outside. The double doors shut behind them with the sounds
of laughter. They may try and enter again if they wish, with a
–1 modifier or walk back to the tavern, beaten.
2-3 "Intruders!"
shouts one of Katan’s guards as they stand to their feet. They
stand their ground as the Warriors move in. What’s your business?"
states Katan at a random Warrior, in a deep commanding voice.
The Warrior gulps and tries to answer as best he can. Roll 1D6:
1-2 The
Warrior is very shaken by Katan’s presence and freezes up. "We’re
here to… sell cookies… that’s it.. You don’t want any… so we’ll
be going now…" With that they are thrown out of the warehouse
to the sounds of laughter. They may try and enter again if they
wish, with a –1 modifier or walk back to the tavern, beaten.
3-6 The
Warrior requests to join up with him. Katan looks the Warriors
up and down, "I have no room for free loaders and I only
use the best. You looks like you could hold your own in a fight.
Tell you what, if you can beat Destroyer here, you can join. The
Warriors breathe a sigh of relief, 4 against one, that should
be easy. Then, in front of them stands the massive bulk of Destroyer.
All the Warriors look up… and keep looking up until they reach
his one eyed head. Destroyer launches into battle surprising the
Warriors and giving him an automatic Ambush. Destroyer
is an Orgut, those who have been to Nehekhara would know of his
breed. Fight a battle with Destroyer. (Statistics are located
at the end of the document)
the Warriors win they are accepted into the group. Katan throws
some dust over Destroyers body that looks like sand and he is
resurrected, his eye looking vengefully at the Warriors.
4 The
Warriors enter the room cautiously and find themselves surrounded
quickly! "We are here to join you Katan" says one of
the Warriors. "Really?" interjects Katan, "For
what purpose?"
1D6 for the Warriors response:
1 "So
we can all get rich of course!" he blurts! Katan shakes his
head and the Warriors are pushed outside. They may try to enter
2 "For
the glory of Norsca!" Katan frowns and the Warriors are pushed
outside. They may try to enter again.
3 "For
the glory of Chaos!" Katan looks into the Warriors eyes,
"and what else?" Roll again on this table.
4-6 "For
my lord and master Katan to rule the world!" Katan seems
happy with this answer and he accepts the Warriors.
5 "Katan,
we wish to join you" shouts a random Warrior. "Do you
now?" Katan replies in a deep voice. "Well I don’t accept
just anyone into my group, although you do look like you could
handle yourselves. If each of you can beat Vron here in an arm
wrestle, you can join." Vron sits at the table awaiting the
Warriors. He is adorned in green and gold armour and appears to
have an animated skull for a head. Each Warrior in turn must roll
1D6 and add his Strength. Now roll 1D6 and add Vron’s Strength
of 5. If all Warriors win against Vron they are accepted (a Warrior
will win on a tie). If not, then they are pushed outside, the
double doors shutting behind them with the sounds of laughter.
They may try and enter again if they wish.
6 The
Warriors enter boldly, and all call "Hail Katan" in
unison. Katan looks puzzled for a moment, then a wry smile appears
on his grim features. "New recruits!" he says in a rumbling
voice before he bellows in laughter! The Warriors are wondering
what they have gotten themselves into. They have been accepted.
the Warriors have been accepted into Katan’s party
the Warriors are accepted they are introduced to the band of marauders
they are now a part. There is Katan, a mighty bald headed legend,
adorned with a magical purple plate armour, and a severed head
hanging from his belt, showing of a bloodied past. Then there
is Destroyer, a giant bloated one-eyed creature from the wastes
of Nehekhara. Then Vron, Katan’s second in command, adorned with
green amour. The rest of the band consists of Chaos Warriors and
the like.
any time during the adventure the Warriors may attack Katan and
his band. Simply fight a battle with Katan, Vron, Destroyer and
1D6 Chaos Heroes. But if they do, they must lose 1 Permanent Luck
point for going against their word and betraying Norsca by not
finding out Katan’s plans.
before morning the band set off. They seem to be heading off into
the mountains; above they can hear the shrill cry of an ice falcon.
Roll 1D6+3 for the amount of weeks spent journeying. Each week
roll 2D6 on the Travel Table.
2 Katan
decides to test a random Warriors loyalty. If the Warrior refuses
then they must attack as stated above. Roll 1D6:
1 Katan
orders him to give him a treasure card.
2 Katan
orders him to cut himself in the name of chaos. If he does roll
1D3. This is the amount of Permanent Wounds lost. These will be
regained next adventure.
3-4 Katan
orders the Warrior to give him all of his provisions.
5-6 Katan
orders the Warrior to sing a tale in his honor.
3 Destroyer
pushes a random Warrior into a rock in the snow, bellowing in
laughter. He takes 1D6+4 damage. Rising to his feet, the Warrior
is very angry. Roll 1D6 and add the Warriors Willpower. If the
result is 9 or more then he has kept his cool, otherwise he retaliates
- roll 1D6:
1 The
Warrior has had it with this huge lard ball! He pulls his weapon
out and brandishes it. Unfortunately he is still dazed from the
fall and is facing the wrong way. Destroyer smashes his hammer
like fist onto his head, sprawling him on the snow once more.
The Warrior takes 3D6 damage. The brute then walks on.
2 The
Warrior is fed up and goes to kick Destroyer in the shin. Unfortunately
he slips, banging his head causing 1D6 damage and Destroyer just
steps over him, chuckling to himself.
3-4 The
Warrior picks up a rock and throws it at Destroyer. It seems to
annoy him for a moment, but then he smiles. "I like you,"
he says in a crude, booming form of common. He then continues
on. The Warrior shrugs his shoulders and walks on also.
5-6 The
Warrior goes to pick up a rock and throw it but instead he grabs
a snowball by accident and throws it at Destroyer. It falls against
him pitifully. He looks confused for a moment, then bellows in
laughter. "You make Destroyer laugh!" he booms. He then
pats the Warrior on the head. "Funny man." From now
on, Destroyer won’t pick on this Warrior.
4 Katan
spots the ice falcon high in the sky and commands a random Warrior
to shoot it down with a crossbow he has. Katan is hungry! Now
the Warrior can aim for the Falcon and just hope he misses or
try to miss on purpose. If he tries to miss on purpose he can
subtract –2 to his Ballistic roll, but there is a greater chance
that Katan will notice. If the falcon is hit it spirals down to
the group where it is eaten that very night! The Warriors hope
Loren will be able to find them by other means. If the Warrior
misses, Katan frowns and walks on. If the Warrior missed on purpose
roll 1D6. On a 1-3, Katan notices - go straight to result 2 on
this table.
5 Katan
sends a random Warrior and Vron to go hunting for food. Roll 1D6:
1 Vron
hunts maliciously, hammering wild beasts into the ground with
his hammer. The Warrior has trouble keeping up and comes back
empty handed. Vron strolls into camp with four dears on his shoulders
and dragging a snow leopard behind him. Katan is displeased with
the Warrior’s inability to perform even the simplest task. As
a penalty the Warrior may not eat for 1D3 weeks. Each week 1D6
unmodified damage is taken, including this one.
2 The
Warrior isn’t up to his usual standard missing many easy targets.
Vron on the other hand beats his prey to a plup and brings it
back to camp. The Warrior brings his small wolf back and throws
it on Vrons heap. "I will not tolerate free loaders!"
Katan bark and sends the Warrior out to find more. He comes back
eventually with two deer. But hunting through the night in the
intense cold has taken its toll. He is at –1 toughness for the
remainder of the journey.
3-5 The
Warrior manages to keep up this Vron taking in almost as many
kills. Katan is pleased with his ability and gives him a nod.
6 The
Warrior leave Vron for dead collecting twice as many deer and
seals. Katan Is most pleased and gives him a fine helping of food,
giving him 1D6 Wounds back. "there is a place for a man like
you in my army" he says. "keep up the good work, there
are many command positions open.
6-7 The
Warriors manage to keep out of Katans way this week.
8 The
band come to a rope bridge, its fibres cracked with ice. A deep
chasm seems endless underneath. Katan points for a random Warrior
to test it. That Warrior edges his way forward looking over at
what may be a grisly death. Roll 1D6. On a 1 the Warrior falls
to his death, the bridge breaking underneath him. The journey
then takes another week to go around the chasm. On any other number
the bridge is safe and they may continue.
9 The
Warriors have a hard time keeping up with Katan and his group.
A random Warrior suffers heavy fatigue. Roll 1D6 and add his Toughness.
If the result is 7 or greater he manages to keep up, otherwise
he loses 2D6 unmodified Wounds.
10 The
journey goes smoothly and Katan is satisfied with the Warriors
11 During
the night a random Warrior hears Katans voice just outside of
camp. Perhaps he is talking of plans, perhaps not. Still, the
Warrior should find out. If he wishes to find out then he makes
it over to where he heard the voice. Roll 1D6:
1 The
voice was indeed Katans, but he is just muttering something and
seems to be relieving himself. Not wanting to be discovered the
Warrior hurriedly makes his way back to camp.
2-3 The
voice didn’t belong to Katan at all. Instead the Warrior sees
Destroyer with a seal up in the air torturing it with various
implements. Not wanting to be discovered the Warrior hurriedly
makes his way back to camp.
4 Although
the Warrior is where he heard the voice, he now hears nothing,
but he notices a pile of rocks at his feet. Shrugging he makes
his way back to camp.
5-6 The
voice was indeed Katans and he is talking to Vron who remains
silent. "I don’t trust these Warriors, Vron. Keep an eye
on them - we can’t have our mission jeopardized. We will be at
the unholy temple soon to meet our brethren, then the treasures
of this world and the next will be ours!" Then the Warrior
carelessly snaps a twig under his boot, and hurries back to camp.
12 Travel
fairs well this week and the group manage to commandeer a small
boat to take them down river. – 1 week from journey time.
the Journey is Completed
the band of travellers come to a dungeon entrance.
commands Katan. "Inside this dungeon lies an artifact I wish.
To test your loyalty I want you," he says, pointing to the
Warriors "to go and retrieve it. I will not tolerate failure."
Warriors must play an Ice Cavern of 8 Dungeon Cards and an Objective
room. Divide the Dungeon Cards in half and shuffle the Objective
Room into the bottom 4 like a normal adventure. If the Warriors
flee, they stumble out to where Katan is and must fight his band
as punishment for failure. Once the Objective room is reached
and completed the Warriors see a great glowing artifact at the
end of the room. It resembles a mighty orb that glows intently
as the Warriors approach. They take it and leave the Ice Caverns
back to Katan.
seems pleased when they approach, taking the orb. "You have
done well, very well. As a reward I, Katan allow you to keep whatever
other treasures you found within. Now, Onward!"
the group move off. Make another 1D6+1 rolls on the travel table
this Journey is Completed
Warriors see a mighty temple rising up before them, a black spire
on the landscape that grows as they approach. As they skirt the
rim of a cliff just before the temple, they look down to see what
must be thousands of Chaos Warriors moving around almost like
ants. Each Warrior gulps at the sight. Chaos warriors on Chaos
Steeds ride up to Katan and supply him and the Warriors with chariots,
which they ride to the temple in. As they pass the chaos hordes,
the name of Katan is shouted loud. Katan dismounts at the temple
steps, Vron beside him, and raises the orb into the air as a mighty
roar erupts from the crowd. The Warriors keep to the side but
are still cheered at like heroes.
days pass…
Warriors lay low in the masses, keeping to themselves, waiting
for the Valkyries and other warriors to appear. In the middle
of the third day Katan emerges from the Temple with the orb and
places it on an altar. He takes a step back as two Chaos Sorcerers
take his place and begin chanting. The orb glows brighter and
brighter. Just when the Warriors think it is about to explode
a horn trumpets in the distance, the battle horn of the Valkyries!
They look back to the cliff and see a veritable army charging
down towards them, Valkyrie, Norse and Hardoon together. The battle
is on!!
Chaos Warriors are swarming everywhere, grabbing weapons preparing
for the onslaught. Katan, Vron and the sorcerers retreat inside
the temple with the orb. The Warriors realize now is their chance
to kill Katan and push their way past the hordes to the steps
of the Temple. They are about to enter when Destroyer steps in
front of the entrance with Chaos Warriors in tow. They have no
choice but to cut their way though. Fight a battle with Destroyer
and 2D6 Chaos Heroes.
dispatched, the Chaos Warriors enter the temple. Make up an Ice
Cavern with 6 cards and an Objective room. Shuffle the Objective
Room into the last 3 cards as normal. While adventuring, if Monsters
are encountered, roll 1D6 on the following table instead of the
normal Monster tables in the Roleplay Book.
the Objective Room is reached, place Katan at the rear on the
throne, then Vron beside him. Also place two Chaos sorcerers at
the rear, then roll on the table above. Katan and Vron will attack
as normal. Do not use the rules for the Objective Room as stated
on the Dungeon Card.
the Warriors kill Katan and clear out the Objective Room, they
retrieve the orb. Heading back out they survey the battle! If
the ice falcon was killed then only half of the troops managed
to find the temple, and they have not yet won the battle. The
Warriors must help them, cleaving their way though the remaining
Chaos Warriors and receiving 3D6 Wounds damage in the process
before the deed is done. If the ice falcon survived then all the
troops found the location and the Warriors emerge to see the battle
to be won! The last remaining Chaos Warriors can be seen fleeing
over the snowy cliffs.
bloody from battle charges over to the Warriors with two Hardoon
as escort. "Thank Odin you are safe my friends, and you have
the orb! You will be well rewarded for this!" The Warriors
head back to the Valkyries settlement where they are each healed
fully and given 1D6 provisions, 1000 Gold and an Objective Room
Treasure Card. They must now journey to another Settlement as
Katan |
Wounds |
80 |
Move |
5 |
Skill |
8 |
Skill |
4+ |
Strength |
6 |
Toughness |
(13) |
Armour |
8 |
Initiative |
9 |
Attacks |
5 |
Damage |
3D6 |
Gold |
4000 |
WS |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
Katan |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
with Axe of Decapitation; Death Arc; Endure; Fear 10, Ignore Blows
5+; Regeneration 2.
of Decapitation
Katan rolls a 6 to hit roll 2D6. If a double is rolled the Warrior
is decapitated instantly. No healing can restore the Warrior to
1 Wound in this case.
more than 2 Warriors are adjacent to Katan he swings his mighty
axe in a death arc, making 1 attack against all adjacent Warriors
before he begins his normal attacks.
Katan reaches 0 Wounds roll 1D6. On a 5-6 he has managed to withstand
the fatal blow and is placed back on 1 Wound. Warriors do not
receive further Gold for felling him subsequent times.
Vron |
Wounds |
60 |
Move |
4 |
Skill |
7 |
Skill |
4+ |
Strength |
5 |
Toughness |
(11) |
Armour |
6 |
Initiative |
6 |
Attacks |
4 |
Damage |
2D6 |
Gold |
2000 |
WS |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
Vron |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
Blows 6+; Knockout.
Vron rolls a 6 to hit he inflicts normal damage and whacks
the Warrior directly on the head. If the Warrior is not wearing
a helmet he is knocked unconscious for 1 turn where he are treated
as prone. If a helmet is being worn, however, roll 1D6. On a 1-3
he is knocked unconscious anyhow for 1, as above.
Destroyer |
Wounds |
50 |
Move |
4 |
Skill |
7 |
Skill |
4+ |
Strength |
8 |
Toughness |
6 |
Armour |
- |
Initiative |
5 |
Attacks |
2 |
Damage |
3D6 |
Gold |
1200 |
WS |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
Destroyer |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
11; Torture.
and when Destroyer rolls a six to hit, roll 1D6. On a 1-3 work
out the damage as normal. On a 4-6 the blow has hit the Warrior
squarely on the head (inflicting normal damage) and has knocked
him into a daze. Once the Warrior is dazed Destroyer picks him
up and takes him to a square that is out of range of the other
Warriors (breaking all pinning). When he is somewhat free of the
battle he begins to torture the Warrior. First roll 1D6 for how
many turns the Warrior is dazed, then for each of these turns
roll on the following table.
1 Destroyer
spends the turn gathering torture implements from his belongings
(usually on his belt). He adds +1 to next torture roll.
2-4 Destroyer
twists and stabs at the Warrior’s body in various ways, chuckling
cruelly. The Warrior takes 1D6 unmodified damage.
5-6 Destroyer
skewers and tears at the Warrior making him wince and call out
in pain, much to his torturers delight. The Warrior loses 1 Permanent
the Warrior comes out of his daze he crawls into an adjacent square
where he continues to fight as normal. If there are no adjacent
squares then the Warrior crawls into the nearest one.
Destroyer is attacked by another Warrior while he is torturing,
his attention is diverted to the attacking Warrior, leaving the
Warrior being tortured to crawl away in his dazed state to an
adjacent square as above where he waits out the rest of his dazed
state. While dazed he is classed as being prone.
Destroyer is adjacent to a dazed Warrior and he is not attacking
or being attacked by any other Warriors, he will immediately pick
him up and start torturing the dazed Warrior as normal.