Norsca |
Battle-Level: 3-4
Objective Room: Any
Warriors are escaping from the cold in the rowdy tavern in Talos.
Around them are assorted Norsemen their beards almost as long
as their drawn out tales of battle. An older barbarian behind
the Warriors is telling one such tale. He sputters the words,
which become more incoherent with every gulp of rum. "Treasure
I tell’s you!! Piles of it!! I was… there, if it wasn’t for that
damn witch we would have gotten out with it too!" His mentioning
of treasure draws a small group of listeners that stand around
the table with their arms crossed. "That’s right! A witch!
She killed us all… all but me that is."
of the Norse steps forward. "You are a coward then old man."
coward? No, just an old man who has lived long enough to know
when it is time to run."
where is this cavern old fool?" blurts the Norseman.
to the north, brute, beyond the great Hardoon Battlefield… But
only I know the exact location, I could take you there, for a
price that is … heh."
a few Norsemen call out "I’ll give you 50 Gold!" If
the Warriors decide to join the bidding for the witch's treasure
cavern, roll 1D6 for the amount of Norse interested. Each one
of them bids 1D6x50 Gold. To win the bidding the Warrior must
bid more Gold than the highest Norse.
they do the old warrior takes them outside and gathers his possessions.
"Well then, let us be off!"
The journey takes 1D6 weeks of
travel time. Roll on the Old World Hazard Table this many times.
After each event roll, roll 1D6 on the following table. The Warriors
guide is also subject to the events and if he is to die, the Warriors
must add another 1D6 weeks to travel while they try and find the
carven with his initial rough directions.
1-3 The Warriors are
set upon in the night by angry Norsemen, who they recognize from
the tavern. They have obviously been followed!! Fight a battle
with 4 Norse Warriors and a Norse leader. The old Norse guide
sits to the side knowing the attackers wont hurt him. Once they
have been dispatched there is no need to roll further on this
4-6 Nothing happens.
Once the Warriors have finished
their journey they arrive at the entrance to a cavern seemingly
cut from sheer ice and rock. The old Norse says he will go on
no further and demands another 200 Gold for his trouble. If the
Warriors refuse to pay, he attacks!! Fight a battle with 1 Norse
leader (no magical weapon).
Once the Norse guide has left
or is dispatched the Warriors are free to enter the Cavern. Play
this adventure as a normal Ice Cavern with the following modifiers:
Once a combat has started roll
1D6. On a 1-3 the Ice Witch has also entered the combat! Place
her as a missile troop. She will remain in the combat until she
first sustains damage - when this happens she disappears leaving
a skin of ice behind which shatters to the floor. The Ice Witch
keeps the first Magic Items she rolls for the whole dungeon.
The Ice Witch’s unholy green eyes
bore into her victims. She also likes to play games with them
beckoning them forward with one finger before blasting them with
ice magic.
Witch |
Wounds |
35 |
Move |
4 |
Skill |
4 |
Skill |
3+ |
Strength |
3 |
Toughness |
(8) |
Armour |
2 |
Initiative |
7 |
Attacks |
2 |
Damage |
2D6 |
Willpower |
5 |
Gold |
1200 |
WS |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
Witch |
2 |
3 |
3 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
5 |
5 |
Armed with Staff of the Screaming
Skull; Ice Magic 2; Magic Item x 2.
Staff of the Screaming Skull
The Ice Witch’s staff is adorned
with an animated skull which lets out a wailing scream. At the
beginning of the Monsters’ Phase the staff lets out a scream,
dislodging ice stalactites from the roof, which come crashing
down on the Warriors. Roll 1D6 for how many are dislodged, then
randomly determine which Warriors are hit. Those Warriors must
pass an Initiative Test of 7 (roll 1D6 adding Initiative to get
a total of 7 or more) to try and avoid the plummeting ice. Those
who fail are hit for 2D6 damage.
Once the warriors reach the Objective
Room, roll for Monsters as normal and place the Ice Witch at the
rear of the room as before, although now she will fight to the
Once the Objective Room has been
cleared of Monsters, the Warriors rush over to the Witch but all
that remains are shards of ice. Perhaps she is dead… perhaps not.
From a side passage in the Objective Room is a room laden with
treasure. Roll 2D6 for the group:
2-3 Indeed the Ice Witch
is not dead!! Place her back on 20 Wounds and fight to the death
once more. She also gains an Ambush attack! Afterwards
the Warriors find the treasure they first saw now to be shards
of ice.
4-5 The Warriors find
1D6x20 Gold each.
6 The
Warriors find gold! Each Warrior may roll as many dice as he wants
and multiply the total by 10. However, if more than 1 dice comes
up as a 1 then the Warrior finds nothing..
7-9 The Warriors find
a Dungeon Room Treasure Card each.
10-11 The Warriors find
a Dungeon Room Treasure Card each and may roll for Gold as in
result 6, above.
12 The Warriors each
receive a Dungeon Room Treasure Card and one Objective Room Treasure