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Location: The Old World

Battle-Level: 1-3

Objective Room: Any

This adventure is ideal if one of the Warriors is playing The Gunfighter Warrior. But do not despair if they are not. Any Warrior that can use firearms of any sort can take the main role of the Gunfighter. Firearms does not mean bows and crossbows. For example, the Wizard character can replace the roll of the Gunfighter, since he has the ability to use a Brace of Pistols and Musket, whereas an Elf can not. A Barbarian can, since he can use a Musket, even though he can not use a Brace of Pistols. If there is more than one Warrior eligible for the starring role, determine randomly. However, if the Gunfighter is in the party, there is no hesitation. He is the main Warrior for this adventure. If none of the Warriors can use firearms, then it's probably for the best that they do not play this adventure. It wouldn’t make too much sense otherwise. Sorry. From now on, we shall refer to the main character as the Gunfighter, even if he is not.

The Warriors are about to leave their current Settlement when a dusty, dirty man stumbles towards the Gunfighter. His face, cracked by the elements, tells of a long journey riddled with hazards. His clothes and hair are caked with blood and his clothes are in tatters.

The Gunfighter recognises him as his old comrade Toukoda from years past. The Warrior quickly grabs him and steadies him to the ground. "<Warrior’s name>, …. I’ve finally found you… .You should have killed Darson when you had the chance! He’s … destroying my old town, Sanctuary. Most of his hoods we could deal with, but now he’s hired some damn Necromancer sidewinder… <cough> Dammit,.. the dead just keep coming, .. you’ve got to help… us…."

With that Toukoda dies, his eyes rolling skyward, as he gurgles the last of his life from his body in a crimson tide. Rising slowly the Gunfighter looks off to the horizon. "There ‘aint much profit where I’m going, but you’re welcome to come, … This is an old score, one… I must settle." And with that he moves off in the direction of his friend’s town Sanctuary.


The travel to Sanctuary takes 1d6+2 Weeks (Make rolls on the Hazard’s table as normal). Along the way, the Gunfighter enlightens his partners of Sanctuary’s history.


A small town on the outskirts of the Old World and the Dark Lands, Sanctuary started up not so long ago and had some of the first Gunsmiths. This was because where they had set up, the surrounding areas where short on supplies of steel and metals required to make swords and other melee weapons. Not wanting to be unprotected at all due to this lack of weaponry, the citizens started designing various forms of firearms using what resources they had available to them. Soon, the towns people became accustomed to these new weapons and they became standard. With time, one or two smaller towns were built similar to Sanctuary around the general area.

Soon a gold baron named Darson came and used heavy handed terror tactics to take over, terrorising the local residents with his band of mercenaries. Many "Gunfighters" challenged Darson, in the hope of reclaiming the town, but all were gunned down in shoot outs. This was until a band went after him and finally defeated him. The Gunfighter goes on to say that he was in that band, many years before he joined up with his current companions and had the chance to kill him, but the towns people wanted him to stand trial and be hanged for his crimes. His work done in Sanctuary, the Gunfighter left that very night to journey the Old World. Although later that week, he heard that Darson had escaped the town’s jail soon after his incarceration.


When the Warriors reach the dusty town of Sanctuary they find many of it’s buildings destroyed, and its people cowering and scared. Soon one of the people recognises the Gunfighter and motions for him and his friends to move over to the tavern. Once inside they listen to the bar man tell them of the destruction Darson and his new Undead legions have brought. He is currently hiding out in an old mine system not far from town. Whether the Necromancer is there or not is unknown. They plead with the Warriors to go to the mine, kill Darson and his followers, and save Sanctuary.

New Weapon

If they take up the challenge they are each offered a "Snap Shot" pistol and enough ammunition for the entire adventure by the Sheriff. If one of the Warriors is the Gunfighter, then they will know what this weapon can do, so use the rules as stated in the Gunfighter’s rule book. Otherwise, the Warrior taking the roll of the Gunfighter, being familiar with this strange variation of the Pistol, explains its usage to the other Warriors. The Snap Pistol does 1d6+3 Damage, and can be fired in close range with a –1 modifier. The Snap Pistol can make 1 Attack per turn. If any Warriors can not use firearms, then they refuse the gun politely, nodding meaningfully towards their trusty weapon hanging from their belt. The Sheriff of the town nods in understanding, knowing full well that some people prefer the feel of cold steel in their hands rather than a gun.

The Mine

Play the mine as a normal Dungeon with the following changes.

When Monsters are rolled, check to see if they are humanoid and roll on the following chart to see what weapons they are carrying. Monsters that are not humanoid need not roll on this table. Since Sanctuary is a town that uses guns as a way of life, the Monsters have also adapted their use for their own needs.

1-2 Normal weapon

3-6 Pistol or Shotgun

To use a pistol the monster must use its Ballistic Skill and the pistol’s damage is the Monster’s Damage Dice +3. Pistols can be fired at close range but with a –1 to hit. Only monsters with a ballistic skill of 5+ or better will attempt this. If a Monster does not have the required Ballistic Skill, or has no Ballistic Skill at all (such as Zombies), then it will use its normal weapon instead.

Creatures such as Ogres, Minotaurs, Centaurs, Bull Centaurs and Dragon Ogres are too large to use pistols and use shotguns instead. Shotguns have a very short range of 4 squares and cannot be fired past another model. If the target is hit within the first two squares (they too can be fired at close range with a –2 penalty) the damage is the Monster’s normal Damage dice +2 extra Damage Dice. If the target is hit within the third and forth square the damage is the Monsters normal Damage Dice +1 extra Damage Dice. Only Monsters with a Ballistic skill of 4+ or better will attempt this. If a Monster does not have this value, or does not have a Ballistic Skill at all, he will use his normal weapon instead.

Objective Room

When the Warriors reach the Objective room they see Darson at the back and also the Necromancer. The Necromancer leaves quickly through a side tunnel leaving 1D3+1 Skeletons behind armed with pistols, who will Guard Darson. There will also be normal Objective Room Monsters as well. Remember to see if any of the Monsters encountered are armed with pistols or shotguns. Darson’s statistics are as follows.







Weapon Skill


Ballistic Skill






































Darson Special Rules

Armed with Pistol (Strength 4)

Completing the Objective Room

Once the objective room is completed the Warriors find two large sacks of 300 gold each. The Warriors then return to Sanctuary where they are already rebuilding. Tipping his hat and giving a nod the Gunfighter and his comrades leave from whence they came, not wishing to take any vital supplies from Sanctuary in its time of need. They will now have to travel to the next adventure, or to another Settlement in the normal manner.


A Fistful of Gold by Ben Head.